Matamata Podiatry

Take your first steps to a pain free lifestyle.

Our Philosophy

Our aim is to provide quality podiatry care in Matamata and the wider Waikato region. We pride ourselves in our dedication to providing quality care to our patients. We are a comprehensive foot health care service providing you with the latest podiatry care. As a family-owned and operated clinic, we are New Zealand registered podiatrists. We specialise in all lower limb conditions ranging from orthotic prescriptions, to minor surgery, and much more.

Our Services


Conditions we treat


Corns and calluses
Verrucas and warts
High arches
Flat feet
Foot odour and sweating
Heel pain


Ingrown toenails
Infected toenails
Hammer toes

Pain and Injuries

Knee pain
Ankle pain and instability
Heel and achilles injuries
Sports Injuries


Limb length differences

Your Local Podiatry Clinic

Based and operating in the heart of town, Matamata Podiatry Clinic is easily accessed from the main street.

Based at 49 Broadway Street, we have disability parking out front. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose Matamata Podiatry Clinic?

People matter to us. While others look at their patients as ‘heel pain’ or an ‘ingrown toenail’, for us it’s important to treat you with the utmost care and respect, as a person first. We don’t label you as a condition and give you general care and advice. We understand that some people need to be able to keep moving to earn an income or get their kids to school. Or that some people won’t manage to stretch five times every day, or even once. All our care is uniquely based on you, your circumstances and your goals, to enable you to lead an active life.  Every team member at Matamata Podiatry Clinic, from our podiatrists to our admin team, are hired based on their values and character. We know how important it is to be cared for by people you trust and put your well-being first, and develop that caring relationship. We’re proud to be the team you can trust to deliver great podiatry in Matamata.

Can I use my Southern Cross or health insurance with you?

Yes, we are registered as providers of Southern Cross and their instant access service, Easy-Claim. This lets you claim on the spot at the time of your appointment, as long as you have podiatry cover in your policy. Whether you have podiatry cover or not is entirely dependent on the health insurance policy you have selected between you and your insurer. Please make sure you do have podiatry cover if you intend to claim at your appointment. Also please bear in mind that only some insurers cover podiatry.

What should I bring with me to my first appointment?

Please bring any referral forms, medical imaging like x-rays and ultrasounds, shorts and a t-shirt for your assessment, and the shoes you wear most often including your running shoes.

How many appointments will I need?

This depends entirely on the problem and its severity. Corns and callus can easily be removed in a single appointment to give you instant relief. Ingrown toenails can also be alleviated in one appointment, or two if you’d like to book in for ingrown toenail surgery to permanently correct the ingrown toenail. 

Muscle, joint and ligament injuries are much more difficult to predict and may require anywhere from 3-10 appointments, depending on how severe it is, what treatment we’re using, and a number of personal factors like how often you’re wearing your orthotics if they’re prescribed as part of your treatment plan.

How long is my appointment?

Depending on the service you book in for, your appointment time may vary between 30 minutes and one hour. We’ll always let you know how long your appointment is when you book in so you can prepare appropriately.

What’s the difference between a chiropodist and a podiatrist?

They’re two different names for the same profession. The term chiropodist has not been used in New Zealand for over 50 years but is still used occasionally in the UK.

Do you have parking on site?

Yes, we have free parking available on our premises.

Do you have a wheelchair ramp?

Yes we do, as well as a disabled toilet and a walker for you to use if needed.

What do podiatrists do?

Podiatrists are board-registered health professionals that have completed a degree in podiatry that specialises in the health of the feet, ankles and legs. They’re qualified to assess, diagnose and treat a range of problems in these areas, from muscle pain to joint injuries to ingrown toenails and corns. We also work closely with foot problems that result from conditions like arthritis and diabetes.
At Matamata Podiatry Clinic specifically, we have a strong focus on using shockwave to help repair muscle and tendon injuries faster than we’ve ever seen before, using cold laser to treat fungal nail infections, prescribing custom foot orthotics to help treat and prevent injuries, using foot mobilisation therapy to alleviate pain, and prescribing exclusive braces that help with problems like recurring ankle sprains and foot drop.

Should I see a podiatrist or a physio for my foot or leg pain?

We love the full-body knowledge that physiotherapists have and often refer our patients to our local physio team when their problems also extend to their back, or they’d benefit from physio services like massage. We also take a number of physio referrals for foot and leg problems.
As podiatrists spend their entire career, including university education and the additional training we do every year, focusing solely on the feet and legs, we always recommend seeing a podiatrist first for anything related to your feet or legs.

Are your orthotics the same that I can get from the chemist?

The best way to compare our orthotics to pharmacy footbeds is to compare prescription glasses from your optometrist to the standard glasses you get from the supermarket. Are they both called ‘glasses’? Yes. Are they incredibly different and have a very different outcome for you? Also yes – and even more so with orthotics.

Do you do WINZ quotes?

Yes, we are a registered WINZ quote provider.

Can I get treated under ACC?

Yes, we are registered ACC providers and offer subsidised treatments under ACC with a co-payment.

Do I need a referral to book an appointment?

While we take many referrals from specialists and health professionals, you can also book yourself or your family member in with us with no referral. Just give us a call to make your appointment.

Do you see kids? How young?

Absolutely! Helping kids stay happy and active on their feet, so they can explore their world and develop without restrictions or fear, is one of the things we love most about what we do. Often we see kids from the time they start walking, but we have treated problems like ingrown toenails in young babies.

Do you do home visits?

If you’re a regular patient of ours who can no longer make it into our clinic for your foot care, then we may be able to offer home visits to you. Give our reception team a call to discuss home visits. Generally speaking, we can accommodate a large variety of patients and mobility devices like wheelchairs in our clinic.

Can I get a referral for an x-ray or ultrasound from you?

Yes, we can refer you to have an x-ray or ultrasound if our assessment shows that it is helpful for your diagnosis or treatment.

Referring to Matamata Podiatry

Welcome! We’re proud to be your local go-to podiatry team in the Waikato, providing exceptional care and service for your patients with foot, ankle, leg and knee pain.

We get it – directing patients to the right sources of information about their conditions when confusing or conflicting info exists online is hard. To help, we welcome you to download our handouts about a number of conditions we commonly see and treat below – just click on the link. Don’t see the condition you need? Let us know, and we’ll create one for that condition and send it to you.

If you’re wanting it, there’s a good chance others are too, so we welcome all requests. We greatly value our relationship with you, so if you ever have any questions, want to chat about cases, or you’d like us to provide you with any more information about what we do and how we can help, please let us know. 

Unsure when to refer to us?

Below are a number of conditions we see and treat very regularly. We specialise in all things feet, and foot biomechanics affect the entire kinetic chain. We recommend referring to us if your patient’s presentation is BILATERAL and/or hasn’t changed in THREE WEEKS under management.